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Are You Scrappy

Uncategorized Dec 09, 2019

How do you know if you're scrappy enough to be an entrepreneur?  

I was listening to a podcast with Jennifer Allwood a few weeks ago and she described entrepreneurs as "scrappy." I loved that description and I wanted to expand on that concept a little bit in this week's email.

That truly does hit home with me. How about you, Julie?

For me, it was a pleasant way of thinking about myself. My BITCH side had served me well for the last 20-35 years. It's hard to believe, but I've been self-employed for over 30 years. You better believe I've had to be SCRAPPY to survive.

I remember in my early 20's thinking I really wanted to climb that "corporate ladder". That phrase alone sounds so 1980's doesn't it? Thank gawd, I realized early on in my career that ladder was leaning up against the wrong building.

I leaped OFF the corporate ladder and jumped into entrepreneurship in November 1988 as an Independent Mortgage Broker. I did that until well after Jake and...

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How to get more JUICE out of your testimonials

engagement Dec 06, 2019

There's no better way to build trust with your audience than to use the testimonials from your past customers.  

Here's a great way to get more "bang for your buck" from your testimonials instead of just letting them sit on Zillow or Google doing nothing for you.

Ready to get started? Here we go!

First: you have to ASK for the testimony. Be systematic about asking for them. I recommend you ask for them at the height of euphoria... just before closing! I do NOT ask them to be posted to Zillow or Google. I want them emailed directly to me. YOU do whatever you prefer. 

Usually when I'm scheduling a closing I will send the following text script. Make it part of your closing set up process and collect them diligently. 


"If you should think about it between now and closing, and I know you have a lot on your plate, but if you could just take a few moments to reflect, I'd appreciate a testimony or feedback of our services. I love to use them in  my...

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December Engagement Without Pitching Real Estate

engagement tip Nov 30, 2019

How in the world can you keep the engagement on your business page in December?

Well, here's a fun activity that is always a surefire way to keep connected with your audience throughout the holiday AND add to your data base. 

Here's what I'll be doing. 

Jake and I will take some time to drive around town in the evening and photograph or video homes with Christmas light displays. I'll make note of the address or street name. I like to collect about 20 or 30 of them if we can. If I can SHARE them from other local posts even better. I'll tell you why in a bonus tip at the end. 

The first post will have this script. 

‘‘Tis the season to be jolly!

This year we want to feature ________ homes with Christmas light displays.

Will you help us?

If you went all out this year on your Christmas light display, send us a video or pics. Or if you spot one that is truly awesome... share it! 

TELL US which ones you think are the BEST 

Email entries to: ...

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