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Clicks to Contracts: How to Convert Email Openers to Buying Customers in Real Estate

email Aug 25, 2023

Here are three reasons why real estate agents should use email to connect with customers:

  1. Highly effective: Email has been proven to be one of the most effective channels for communication. It allows real estate agents to send targeted messages to customers and achieve better results than other marketing channels like social media. Studies show that email has a higher response rate and conversion rate than other channels.

  2. Cost-effective: Compared to traditional marketing methods such as print and radio ads, email marketing is much more cost-effective. Real estate agents can easily create and send personalized emails to their customers without breaking the bank. This allows agents to reach out to a broader audience without incurring significant costs.

  3. Builds trust and rapport: Email is an excellent way for real estate agents to build trust and rapport with their customers. By sending relevant and informative content, agents can position themselves as experts in their field, and customers are more likely to appreciate the value they bring. This can enhance customer loyalty and also increase referrals.


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